Educators act ethically and maintain the integrity, credibility and reputation of the profession.
Throughout my Education 491 practicum I had the chance to continue to reflect on standard 2 and what it means to represent the profession of teaching. This experience has impressed on me the importance of each individual teachers’ actions are on the perception of all members of the profession and how crucial it is for me to do my part to maintain this credibility. With this responsibility in mind, I have done my best to carry out this standard in a various different ways. I have done my best to interact in a kind and respectful manner not only with my students and their parents, but in all my interactions. I also have a massive respect for my legal obligations as a teacher and have upheld the privacy of student information and do my best to live up to all the professional standards expected of me. I have made sure to only discuss students with my coaching teacher in private and to only share information with other parties such as students’ councilors or parents as needed. I have also maintained a professional appearance and have worked to manage my perception in the classroom to maintain a respectful and professional relationship with students.